The Idea

To make a big enough space for 3 of us to happily play games side by side

During the lockdown back in 2020 we started playing Fortnite. The 3 of us crammed into our small office and Pink used my Laptop whilst Orange used my old PC. It required a fair bit of setting up everytime and because we played quite a lot I decided to build a dedicated office in half of our double garage.

Our garage door is the type that rolls up into the ceiling so I designed my plans to make the offce run from the back wall to the edge of the frame for the door.

To save space I put the door opening outwards into the frame area.

I couldn't find an L-shaped desk to fit the whole office so I recycled old desk legs (the type with bases the screw into) and made a desk out of 2 flat internal doors.

The inside of the office is 2.3m x 3.2m. The door opens in the south west corner with an old server cage to the right and the L shape desk running down side and across the end of the office. We then had 4 bookshelves running down the left hand side of the office. I managed to find a rug that was the right width (but slightly too short) to cover the entire office floor.

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